The Science of Self-Help

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Day 1783

Day 1783 Record Keeping
Day 1755 Fixed Meditation (30 min = 10 metta, 20 vipassana)
Day 1629 Writing (3, 20 min Pomodoros)
Day 1168 Exercise (3x5 55 lb dumbbell clean and push press)

Day 909 Mobility/Stretching (15 min, calf smash and hip stretch)
Day 219 Flossing (All teeth)
Day 133 Tuesday Groceries (recorded after)

Ok sleep. Exhausted the last two days. Really good meditation. Very difficult writing. Very difficult clean and push presses. I think I’m going to switch it up to weighted thrusters. The heavy weights just make me a little nervous - I don’t want to have an accident. Might be a good idea anyway since my progress has stalled a bit. Moving groceries to Tuesday because the store is just less crowded.