The Science of Self-Help

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Day 95 & The Zeigarnik Effect

Day 95 Record Keeping SRHI = 71
Day 63 Fixed Meditation SRHI = 75
Day 9 Burpee SRHI= 45
Day 109 Eating SRHI = 59
Good night sleep, great wakeup. Continuing to have bouts of depression.

The Zeigarnik Effect

Found a great article on this recently.

Now I’ve heard this term bouncing around self improvement blogs for awhile, but never actually looked it up. Basically the ideas is that procrastination doesn’t really come from laziness, but from fear. This is something I definitely feel strongly about, especially in my writing. If I just open up the word processor and start the task, it finishes, but I can delay doing a task for ever.

I think the same thing occurs with habits. Often times the habits we really want are the ones we can’t be bothered to start. Which is why I like BJ Fogg’s notion of TinyHabits - it’s a great way to bypass the fear of doing a task. And hopefully, when doing it repeatedly, the fear not only passes, but the task becomes automatic.