The Science of Self-Help

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Day 915

Day 915 Record Keeping
Weekend Habits
Day 139 Pantry Check
Day 137 Food Recording (initially forgot to do again)
Day 7  Sunday Meal Prep 70

Early to Rise
Day 70 Bacon & Water
Day 70 Sleep Recording (1|3|11:30|12:30)
Day 43 Bedtime Curfew 80

Good sleep, good wakeup. Sleep curfew is super automatic. Will move it up to 12:40 pm. Forgot to do my food recording AGAIN, which is very strange, as it has been so automatic. Yesterday night I was in a particularly bad mood, so that might account for it. 

Day 28, No Alcohol Challenge. Felt a particular combination of stuck, bored, and overwhelmed last night, so really craved a drink. It’s fascinating, I don’t really crave alcohol’s ability to lighten the mood. I mean, I crave that too, but it’s more a combination of both things -the ritual of going out and having something to do to distract and alleviate boredom….AND a substance that tastes good and makes me feel jovial. And it’s more the former than the latter.

It’s funny how over the years the easy way out - going to get a drink or indulging in a food I like - has come to put me in my “happy place” more than other activities. One outdoorsy person I know goes on hikes in the wilderness. Others mountain climbing. I used to be like that too with biking. And I want that again.

And furthermore, with meditation, I want to not need to have a happy place - I want to be able to carry that with me at all times. I feel all the tools are here, I just need to fit them together and see what really works.