The Science of Self-Help

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Day 1525

Day 1525 Record Keeping
Day 1496 Fixed Meditation (15 min, metta)
Day 1371 Writing (DID NOT DO)
Day 910 Rowing (DID NOT DO
Day 651 Mobility/Stretching (DID NOT DO)

Great sleep. Did all my habits yesterday, but had a busy day, getting home really late, so did not record. Today I had a lot of appointments to to view houses downtown, so didn't end up able to do any work or "rowing". I think the issue is that I'm trying to push my writing, so I don't have a set cut off point after which I record. So recording just gets done at the very end of the day with no trigger. 

A lot of self help books talk about having a "before you go to bed" ritual, but it seems to be a difficult thing behaviorally because there's no set event to kick off the routines. Short of having an alarm, I really don't see a way to kick it off, unlike events during the day - waking up, taking a shower, etc). That's something I need to solve, because I do believe a bedtime ritual is important, and has great potential to double up on habits.

Anyway, I think these gaps and interruptions are going to occur in the first few months being back in the States what with getting settled.