Day 1329 & Still Traveling, Scrivener Draft Writing Progress

Day 1329 Record Keeping
Day 1301 Fixed Meditation (10 min)
Day 1176 Writing (2 Pomodoros)
Day 715 Rowing
(walking, swimming)
Day 456 Mobility/Stretching (10 min, plantar & back smash
Day 106 Social Media (1 hour, SRHI = 71)

Early to Rise
Day 484 Sleep Recording  (DID NOT DO)
Day 455 Bedtime Curfew
Day 293 Wakeup Alarm (DID NOT DO)

Great sleep. 


Traveling. Arrived in Honolulu yesterday. It's pretty relaxed, so today I had a chance to do most of my habits and swim in the ocean. The new method I have for arranging multiple edits on Scrivener is really helping my writing. 

Screen Shot 2017-10-05 at 11.26.09 AM.png

Basically it's a vertical split screen, with one page that acts as a log. So I'm able to bust out a quick rough draft, then keep the old draft on the right and the one I'm currently writing on the left. Using James Patterson's advice in his Masterclass on quickly going from one draft to the next to keep forward momentum going really helps with this. I'm doing a Rough Draft, Global Edits, Section Edits, Paragraph and Line Edits, and Research Inclusion, plus a log and a scratchpad for writing and rewriting paragraphs over and over again to get the wording right. 

THIS BLOG describes divides it up as Structural, Stylistic, Copyediting, and Proofreading. I'm sure I'll change things up as I do this more, but so far it makes me pretty excited to work and tinker with text, and that's a pretty big change. The log allows me to fold in Pomodoros – which worked so well in the past especially with first drafts – into the greater editing process


Day 1233

Day 1233 Record Keeping
Day 1205 Fixed Meditation (15 min)
Day 1080 Writing (4/30 Pomodoros)
Day 619 Rowing
(20 min, 2900 m)
Day 360 Mobility/Stretching (10 min, hip stretch & plantar smash
Day 10 Social Media (10 min, SRHI = 49)

Early to Rise
Day 388 Sleep Recording  (12:20|12:30|8:30|10:30)
Day 359 Bedtime Curfew
Day 197 Wakeup Alarm

Good sleep. Excellent and really hard writing practice. Switched from 30 minutes sets to 25 minute Pomodoros with 5 minute breaks.

Day 1009 & NANOWRIMO 2016 WIN

Day 1009 Record Keeping
Day 981 Fixed Meditation (5 min)
Day 855 Writing (NaNoWriMo Complete - 20,000 words today!!!)
Day 395 Rowing (biked for about 20 minutes)
Day 136 Mobility/Stretching (couch stretch, 1 min each side)
Day 233 Pantry Check (DID NOT DO)
Day 231 Food Recording (DID NOT DO)

Early to Rise
Day 164 Water
Day 164 Sleep Recording  (12:40|2:11|10:10|10:20)
Day 135 Bedtime Curfew 77

Good sleep, good wakeup. 


Nailed NaNoWriMo in a personal record breaking 5 days. Because of various disruptions (all good) I had to and did write half of it today. 20,000 words. I found that a modified Pomodoro really helped a lot, and really just starting the timer even when I wasn’t ready. I have a theory on this - it seems to work really well for me in other habits, like mobilization and meditation - otherwise there’s a sort of paralysis that occurs because of over thinking it. I think I’m so indoctrinated into thinking that any one instance has to be superb, that I’m not getting on a visceral level that consistency more than covers for it. 

I have a bunch of notes on this, and I’ll post a big article on the fear of starting a task - especially one like writing that has so much fear embedded within it. Lydia asked me if I think it’ll transfer to real work - and I think it will to a certain extent - I think my real work involves a combination of this type of first draft writing, editing, and research, and doing them all seamlessly takes a bit of planning. 

That’s all for another day - I intend to spend the rest of today basking in my win!