Day 1374

Day 1374 Record Keeping
Day 1346 Fixed Meditation (DID NOT DO)
Day 1221 Writing (1 Pomodoro)
Day 760 Rowing (10 min/1700 m
Day 501 Mobility/Stretching (10 min, achilles work
Day 151 Social Media (SRHI = 81, 20 min, twitter research)

Good sleep. Been having a surprisingly good run of good sleep. My sleep cycle is all off from the travel, but it's pretty regular and deep, roughly 8 hours long, so not excessive. I've also been meditating as I go to sleep, so maybe that's had an impact. Did not have time to finish my routine with meditation today because I ran into a social plan.  I'm really pleased how well this week has gone once I finally formalized dropping to minimums at confronting wobbly habits. Social Media has seems to almost be at a super habit, which is great.