Day 23 and Don't Break the Chain


Great night sleep, good wakeup

Don’t Break the Chain is a simple, minimalistic online attempt at habit formation, based on a technique allegedly used by Jerry Seinfeld. He would post up a big calendar, and draw a big red X through every day he wrote. The only thing he had to worry about is, well -  not breaking the chain.

This Lifehacker post talks about applying it to more than just writing comedy. The idea is to do little bits of a project every day, and that is cumulatively more helpful that short intense bursts that may not lead anywhere. 

I definitely like it as a simple motivator and its relationship to habit formation. 750 words uses this by keeping track of the unbroken chain of days you have written - and at large amounts you get special badges. And the fact Fitocracy doesn’t do this is one of the things I dislike about it.

What I don’t like is that it is natural to miss days, and the next day, getting back on the bandwagon is incredibly difficult. If missing days is an inevitable, then getting back to the routine to continue the action is the most critical point of the entire endeavor - and it should be rewarded.

Our habits and our completion of goals is more contingent on what we do in our moments of weakness than on the moments of strength.

When we are we weak and “break the chain” that is the point when all our demons come out, telling us that it’s not worth doing anymore, that we can give up because we’ve already given up, that we are now justified in failure. 

I feel an optimal gamified program has to reward not just good behavior, but good behavior in weakness. That truth is the heart of all difficult endeavors.

Day 8, Fitocracy vs 750words

Finally a good night of sleep

I was thinking about Fitocracy vs 750Words and I realized that there just isn’t the same amount of addiction. Don’t get me wrong, Fitocracy is a great website, but for some reason it doesn’t pull me as much. And I think the main reason is that there aren’t enough badges.

If I have a personal best, I’ll get an achievement but I won’t get one if I, say, workout 20 days in a row (as far as I know). To me that emphasizes achievement over overall fitness - i.e. habituation.

It’s the same tired old paradigm of doing more equalling more recognition. Which is great if you’re already an active person. But to, say, switch from writing occasionally to becoming a daily writer, you need achievements that addict you to streaks of writing, which 750 words does really well.

And this isn’t just about paradigms - though I do believe that the distinction is important - it’s far more practical. 750 words is just more addicting because there’s an incentive for you to play every day, whereas I feel that high fades with Fitocracy.

I’m sure that For the Win has something to say about this, but I’m too lazy to look up a reference right now.