Day 1691

Day 1691 Record Keeping
Day 1663 Fixed Meditation (45 min = 15 min metta, 15 min vipassana, 15 min gratitude)
Day 1537 Writing (DID NOT DO)
Day 1076 Exercise (3X5 35/40 lb dumbbell clean and press
Day 817 Mobility/Stretching (15 min back & shoulder smash, hip stretch)
Day 127 Flossing (All teeth)

Bad sleep. Decided to finally add weights since I have access to a small gym through my apartment complex. I wanted to do a hard, olympic style, whole body lift to start out with. I settled on a clean and press. It’s hard - I haven’t done olympic style lifts since high school. But it definitely took a lot out of me and felt good.

Later I looked through Becoming a Supple Leopard to add different mobilizations. The shoulder smash was a good addition because I know I’ll have problems with the pressing aspect of the lift. But then I found detailed descriptions of proper form for all of the olympic lifts - this book really just keeps giving!

I’m highly prone to injury and muscle tweaking - reading about the lift and the associated mobilizations made me think I might actually be ahead of the injury prevention game this time around.

Day 1395 & Mobilization Partitioning, Social Media Superhabit

Day 1395 Record Keeping
Day 1367 Fixed Meditation (10 min, metta/vipassana)
Day 1242 Writing (DID NOT DO)
Day 781 Rowing (10 min/ 1900 m
Day 522 Mobility/Stretching (Research)

Day 172 Social Media (SRHI = 81, 3 pomodoros, quora - SUPERHABIT)

Good sleep. Once I got back I was attempting to partition several of my habits into different exercises depending on the day. One of the major ideas I got from finishing the book Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success was that cross training is good for accelerated skill development. But I needed time to just settle in, so I set all my habits to minimums. After getting over being sick last week, It's time to start in on doing that with mobilization, since I've basically been repeating the same few exercises each day, not at all tapping into the tomb that is Kelly Starrett's fantastic book Becoming a Supple Leopard.

Usually I'm horrible about planning to make changes outside of my routine. After I'm done, I'm usually done. This seemed like a good idea, to replace the routine with a research and planning element. So starting on Monday I'll be attempting to switch out, using Starrett's handy 14-day mobilization makeover. We'll see how it goes.

In addition, Social Media became a a superhabit by staying stable at over 80 on the SRHI for a week. I've started with Twitter, and have added answering Quora questions, which are really helpful in clearly and concisely articulating specific aspects of this project.

My goal next week is to really hit the ground running with finishing my book proposal. Like a Proposal Writing Week akin to my push for NaNoWriMo. I remember back when just getting a rough draft was difficult. I'm still finding the art of editing incredibly difficult, but luckily I've got a few Udemy courses on the subject from their recent 10 Euro sale.

Day 1178 & Day 4 Mobility Overhaul

Day 1178 Record Keeping
Day 1150 Fixed Meditation (15 min)
Day 1025 Writing (5 rounds/30 min)
Day 564 Rowing
(rowing HIIT, 14 min, 15s:60s, 2500 m)
Day 305 Mobility/Stretching (20 min,
toe plantarflexion, shoulder rotator smash & floss, erector side smash)

Early to Rise
Day 333 Sleep Recording  (2:30|2:40|10:30|11:45)
Day 304 Bedtime Curfew (DID NOT DO)
Day 142 Wakeup Alarm

Ok, but unsatisfying sleep. Depleted. 

Day 1175 & 14-Day Mobility Overhaul, Day 1

Day 1175 Record Keeping
Day 1147 Fixed Meditation (15 min)
Day 1022 Writing (1.5/30 min)
Day 561 Rowing (35 min/5000 m)
Day 302 Mobility/Stretching (30 min, toe plantarflexion, trap scrub, posterior neck mob)

Eating Habits
Day 44 Meal Prep Sunday

Early to Rise
Day 330 Sleep Recording  (1:40|2:50|10:30|11:30)
Day 301 Bedtime Curfew (DID NOT DO)
Day 139 Wakeup Alarm

ok sleep. Had a great and very busy weekend - unfortunately wasn’t able to do my Meal Prep, but ended up doing it today. 

14-Day Mobility Overhaul, Day 1
I am starting a 14-Day mobility overhaul as written in Becoming a Supple Leopard - it’s sort’ve Kelly Starrett’s version of a 30 day challenge. I’ve done a lot of walking lately and my feet have hurt a lot. My toe has hurt a lot due to rowing with no shoes. My back has been clenching. And all of it released through some dedicated mobilization. It has been incredible, which has really pushed me into the short jump needed to max out my mobilization. 

Today was my first day. It took a little longer than my 15 minutes to read and figure out exactly how to do them. It was incredibly painful and it felt really good.

Day 1170

Day 1170 Record Keeping
Day 1142 Fixed Meditation (15 min)
Day 1016 Writing (very little, will consider it a DID NOT DO)
Day 556 Rowing (over an hour of walking)
Day 297 Mobility/Stretching (15 min, amstring ball smash, banded posterior chain mob)

Early to Rise
Day 325 Sleep Recording  (1|2|9:30|10:30)
Day 296 Bedtime Curfew
Day 134 Wakeup Alarm

Good sleep. Incredibly sore, especially hamstrings. Lydia reminded me that at 15 minutes of mobilization I’m close to maxing out the routine, at least according to Kelly Starrett’s course in Becoming a Supple Leopard. I looked it up, and sure enough, he advocates a rotating schedule of mobilizations. I changed it up today to work on my hamstring. Once I switch over to his 14 day challenge and upkeep it, I’ll largely be done with mobilization!