Day 88 & Stabilizing Record Keeping
Day 88 Record Keeping SRHI = 63
Day 56 Fixed Meditation SRHI = 70
Day 2 Burpee SRHI= 22
Day 102 Eating SRHI = 55 - Failed to do yesterday
Good night sleep, great wakeup.
Compared to my fixed meditation, my record keeping seems….wobbly. When I take the SRHI my scores are lower in automaticity questions compared to my fixed meditation. And I believe this is because I didn’t set up a clear implementation intention - specifically, I don’t have a trigger. With fixed meditation it’s
“When I wake up, I meditate”
But if I unpack it for record keeping it’s
“sometime after I get up, I do my record keeping”
And that usually is after I piddle around the internet, check Facebook, etc. The problem is that I don’t want to do it, because it involves the somewhat tiresome practice of doing the SRHI several times, then counting them out manually to get the number.
I’m already feeling a, for lack of a better description, clockwork mechanism starting with burpees. When I close my record keeping stuff - my tumblr, my google docs which hold my spreadsheet of records, I do two burpees.
So to progress, I’m going to have my implementation intention be:
“Immediately after I finish my morning meditation, I will open up my email to start record keeping”
One thing that will help is to find a program that calculates scores automatically. And another thing I need to keep in mind is my upcoming three weeks of travel. My travel protocol will be discussed in a different post.