Day 1041

Day 1041 Record Keeping
Weekend Habits
Day 265 Pantry Check (DiD NOT DO)
Day 263 Food Recording (DID NOT DO)
Day 25 Sunday Meal Prep 66 (DID NOT DO)

Early to Rise
Day 196 Water
Day 196 Sleep Recording  (1|9:30|10:20)
Day 167 Bedtime Curfew
Day 5 Wakeup Alarm 45

Great sleep, great wakeup. Setting that wakeup alarm was automatic. Really have to face my eating program because it’s falling a part. Was going to do my meal prep today but there’s a family pot luck that’s going to take a lot of cooking time. Plan on doing my actual meal prep tomorrow and starting in on that and my food recording. Food recording has largely fallen off because it’s so difficult to accurately track food that you are eating out sometimes. I’m not talking about fast food, or standard restaurants, but more interesting places, with multiple platters or things like potluck dinners. I am at more of a loss for how to deal with my pantry check, which might be more of a vestigial habit as it it’s accounted for with my Sunday Meal Prep. It’s also incredibly difficult to do if you are staying at another person’s house. I miss my own pantry and fridge where I can usually count the number of cans and produce on my hands.

Day 805

Day 805 Record Keeping
Day 777 Fixed Meditation (18 min)
Day 651 Writing
Day 191 Rowing (HIIT, 14 min, 15sec:1min, 2800m)
Day 29 Pantry Check (72)
Day 27 Recording (76)
Horrible sleep, horrible/slow wakeup.
Oddly enough, my horrible wakeup got me to prove the automaticity of my pantry check - I stumbled out of the bedroom and automatically did it while half awake. This resulted in an increase in my SRHI.

Day 777 & Pantry Check Implementation

Day 777 Record Keeping
Day 749 Fixed Meditation (12 min)
Day 623 Writing
Day 163 Rowing (30 min/ 5100 m)
Day 1 Pantry Check (SRHI = 39)
Horrible sleep, good wakeup.

Pantry Check Implementation
Implementation Intention: As soon as I wake up I’ll check to see whether I need any staples. 
Mental Contrasting: Positives include having a solid step in conquering eating, which will in turn get me to my body goals. Eating has been a thorn in my side, and I feel I’ll be able to move on in this project without having to continually scrap it and start over again.
Obstacles include small things like not having the list of my staples on hand, not knowing how to do it while traveling or when people are visiting. Lydia and I usually do it together, so when she leaves for a trip on her own next week then it might disrupt my own regularity because it’s a habit forming with her.

My step ups would be other “counterintuitively small habits” like quantifying what I eat every day, which I intend to implement in a few days since these are all really “tiny.” An addition to the pantry might also be actually making sure I have the staples…this has been happening pretty automatically, but that might be an added thing. If I don’t have them, then I go out and get them, or something like that.

Day 461

Day 461 Record Keeping
Day 430 Fixed Meditation
Day 376 Bodyweight Exercise (3 bridges)
Day 303 Writing (research, 2 articles, 30 minutes)
Day 476 Eating (73)
Day 111 Dynamic Meditation = 80 (1 hour 20 min)
Day 58 Marketing = 75 (actionable task)

Great sleep, FANTASTIC wakeup for some reason…I wish I could bottle that. SICK. Felt drained after completing my tasks in reverse order (had to pick someone up at the airport early in the morning, messed with my schedule). Hence my research for writing was like pulling teeth

Dynamic Meditation Notes (1 hour 20 minutes):
few bouts of fidgeting nothing much

Writing (2 articles in 20):

Day 460

Day 460 Record Keeping
Day 429 Fixed Meditation
Day 375 Bodyweight Exercise (2 typewriter pushups)
Day 302 Writing (research, 3 articles, 1 hour)
Day 475 Eating (69)
Day 110 Dynamic Meditation = 80 (20 min)
Day 57 Marketing = 77 (actionable task)

Great sleep, great wakeup. SICK

Dynamic Meditation Notes (20 minutes):
x5 fidgeting, minor

Writing (3 articles in 1 hour):

Day 405 & A Note About Alcohol & Food

Day 405 Record Keeping
Day 374 Fixed Meditation
Day 320 Bodyweight Exercise (6 pushups)
Day 247 Writing (120 words)
Day 420 Eating
Day 55 Dynamic Meditation = 72 (20 min)
Day 2 Marketing = 18 (35 minutes of reading/active research)

Great sleep, slow wakeup. A bit hungover

A Note About Alcohol
During the last week I traveled quite a bit showing my friend around Texas. What was striking was how little I cheated food wise and how little I drank. Both were fueled by habit and a desire to NOT feel bad. My sensitivity to bad food has increased, and my sensitivity to drinking even a little bit is remarkable. 

This is a really good thing.

It makes NOT doing a habit significantly harder - the sure sign of a superhabit. And it underscores continuing down that path in the future. 

Last night I had an incredibly tiny amount of alcohol - two beers and a bit of wine -  and I felt horrible this morning. No headache, just that sense of lethargy and sickness, and it disrupted my sleep. My max limit of two drinks (wine or beer) even feels like it might be too much. I’m reminded of the Inebriati Sketch by Mitchell and Webb where the world’s greatest secret is that everything becomes better with ALMOST two drinks. But completing the second drink results in world annihilation. 

While I don’t think that every day necessitate drinking, having such a protocol when I drink might be worthwhile - a good middle ground. Call me one of the Knights Tippler, from now on!

Dynamic Med Notes (20 min):
x6 shoulders
x7 Fidgeting
x5 arisings of nervousness - caught
x1 arising of justice anger caught
Notes: Justice anger seems to be a big thing with me - the idea that things OUGHT to be a certain way and the anger that the world isn’t actually that way.

Day 392

Day 392 Record Keeping
Day 361 Fixed Meditation
Day 307 Bodyweight Exercise (3 bridges)
Day 234 Writing (organizing pitches)
Day 407 Eating = 81
Day 42 Dynamic Meditation = 69 (40 minutes)
Great sleep, great wakeup. Sick. Really good fixed meditation and writing today.
Although I haven’t managed a full week streak of 80′s scores for eating, it’s come close twice (two 5 day streaks) and the only reason was because I was either sick or incredibly busy to record. I think I’m finally ready to call eating a superhabit.

Dynamic Med Notes (40 minutes):
x5 arising
x2 fidgeting
X2 shoulders
x1 laughter - again not quite getting into the groove of that “cheating at  life” feeling

Day 389

Day 389 Record Keeping
Day 358 Fixed Meditation
Day 304 Bodyweight Exercise (4 typewriter pushups)
Day 231 Writing (writing exercises - good)
Day 404 Eating = 82
Day 39 Dynamic Meditation = 72 (46 minutes)
Great sleep, great wakeup. Really good fixed meditation and writing today.

Dynamic Med Notes (46 minutes):
x4 arising caught
Notes: I think the especially good fixed meditation really helped me with this today. I did Vipassana and I really got into a groove of acknowledging arising emotion and then letting it go.

Day 387

Day 387 Record Keeping
Day 356 Fixed Meditation
Day 302 Bodyweight Exercise (2 typewriter pushups)
Day 229 Writing (pitching)
Day 402 Eating = 82
Day 37 Dynamic Meditation = 72 (38 minutes)
Great sleep, ok wakeup.

Dynamic Med Notes (38 minutes):
x6 shoulders
x7 fidgeting
x1 arising
x2 darkness arising and tension
Notes: There is a cloudiness in m thoughts today - no doubt caused by my wakeup - how do I clean it out? Meditation of course

-Early wakeup, feeling a bit  out of sorts - starting is difficult
-Exp a bit of leakage which is great - I’m catching myself outside of this med zone
-a notable lack of that feeling of cheating at life - that’s troublesome

Day 385

Day 385 Record Keeping
Day 354 Fixed Meditation
Day 300 Bodyweight Exercise (2 typewriter pushups)
Day 227 Writing (work, 681 words)
Day 400 Eating = 81
Day 35 Dynamic Meditation = 71 (41 minutes)
Great sleep, great wakeup. Skipped days due to press trip, travel, and consulate appointment. Unfortunately the gap messed up my streak needed to declare eating a superhabit. Trying to focus only on one thing - work writing and pitching - the hardest things that slip away because I fear them. It might not be as hard doing other things, but that’s ok. 

Dynamic Med Notes (41 minutes):
x10 shoulders
x2 fidgeting
x3 multiple arisings of fear and anxiety
x8 multiple arisings caught
x1 replaying of past triggering event

Notes: Anger and irritation collapse into sadness, miserableness and fear - you can see that progression clearly. Now it’s almost a sense of dullness and guilt

The metaphor of a solvent that starts working on things immediately is very useful for me.

Starting off the back end of a huge arising of irritation, anxiety, and sadness think of it in terms of structural integrity - negative emotion erodes and rebuilding and solidifying the structure takes time, and because of this concentrating is difficult

Everything is aiming.

Day 380

Day 380 Record Keeping
Day 349 Fixed Meditation
Day 295 Bodyweight Exercise (2 pushups)
Day 222 Writing (work, only 39 words, hard)
Day 395 Eating = 80
Day 30 Dynamic Meditation = 70 (20 minutes)
Horrible sleep, bad wakeup. Really tired & press trip.

Dynamic Med Notes (20 minutes):
x3 arising caught
x6 fidgeting
x2 laughing at it in a knowing way

Notes: Trying to focus on that state of Zanshin - focused, relaxed concnetration that centers around the process. 

Day 379

Day 379 Record Keeping
Day 348 Fixed Meditation
Day 294 Bodyweight Exercise (3x6 pushups)
Day 221 Writing (blogging)
Day 394 Eating = 81
Day 29 Dynamic Meditation = 73 (1 hour)
Great sleep, slow wakeup. Depleted & press trip.

Dynamic Med Notes (1 hour):
x9 fidgeting
x1 shoulders
x1 negative arising
x3 satisfaction
Notes: It’s like trying to constantly remember something you keep forgetting - Each time I have to re-remember, or re-logic it into myself. But this seems very common. For habits at large, it’s hard to remember that there is a danger zone and by just keeping on you will get to habituation. Sometimes I think that’s what the Grit Scale really is - a scale that gauges your constant remembering or self-indoctrination of the process of improvement in long-term projects.

Maybe that’s what stream entry - when you don’t have to re-remember that getting sucked into the emotion isn’t profitable.

Day 376

Day 376 Record Keeping
Day 345 Fixed Meditation (brought up neg emot to quell - HARD)
Day 291 Bodyweight Exercise (1x8 bulg split squats - HARD)
Day 218 Writing (pitching - HARD)
Day 391 Eating = 81
Day 26 Dynamic Meditation = 70 (1 hour)
Great sleep, great wakeup.

Dynamic Med Notes (1 hour):
x3 caught neg arisings - mostly computer stuff
x6 multiple arisings just anger and frustration and mounting fear that I can’t live up to work stuff and life -  lot of tension, horrible tension when reading travel articles because I immediately compare it to myself and what I should be doing

Notes: If travel articles makes me nervous I can use this in my daily fixed meditation to bring out negative feelings and deal with them to inure myself to it.

This is becoming more of a habit - leakage is happening as it seeps to other times in my life - I think it happened a few times between now and when I recorded before. Yesterday I took the day off and didn’t record and I still did dynamic meditation several times.