Day 240 & Back from Destroyed Schedule

Day 240 Record Keeping
Day 208 Fixed Meditation 
Day 154 Bodyweight Exercise  (1x8 burpees)
Day 81 Writing = 62
Day 254 Eating = 63
Day 11 Work = 24
Horrible emotional control today. 
Back from travels. Back from finally getting my computer fixed. Back from overcoming the inertia of not having recorded in 8 days. My schedule is totally shot from all of this, and I’m rather pissed off about it.

I think the important thing is to keep calm and keep going. Having done so it’s important to analyze what went wrong.

1. I didn’t have a solid implementation intention on how to travel and do my habits.

When I went to England, I thought that I could record and would have time to record. I didn’t. This time in Germany it was a lighter schedule and I had my own room. My computer died. The universe is trying to tell me something - don’t ever trust a computer when traveling - ALWAYS GO LOW TECH.

2. When recovering don’t get overwhelmed.

The process of recovering from time away can get incredibly emotionally claustrophobic. I felt like I had failed and I had 20 things to do. Don’t focus on this. Remember that restarting is the most important thing - the numbers will pick up afterwards. Also focus on one thing at a time - the task right in front of you. So it’s not “I have to do my exercises, my work habit, and my fixed meditation” it should be “I woke up…first thing is my work - let’s do that." 

3. The process is key

It’s easy to think in terms of progress of numbers and the project as small bits - i.e. how fast can I master the habit and form a superhabit. The point of this project isn’t ONE habit - it’s all of them. In forming all of them, I have to realize this is a bigger task than what others before me have done.

One of the things I hated about Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit was that he essentially focused on one thing - not eating sweets at work.  My latest read - Minihabits by Stephen Guise - the author essentially focuses on a few - pushups being the outstanding one that I remember.

A more robust treatment is going to be a lot more difficult.

A useful mental exercise I read once was to look at the trajectory of a process and take it out across time dispassionately. Of COURSE I’m going to fail at this - I’m going to mess it up when it comes to travel, and since I travel a lot this is something I will have to grapple with. Of course computers fail and mess ups are going to happen.

But instead of seeing these as steps back, I need to start viewing them as learning about the whole process - as failure giving me the data to step forward.

The key to this whole project is consistency. The ideal day isn’t one where I perform the best - with 1,000 words or 20 one armed pushups - it’s setting up a day where I hit my daily practice of habits automatically and as fluidly as possible in order to highly increase the percentage of success in anything in the future. And even though it’s what this project is based on, it is so incredibly difficult to focus on this type of process oriented thinking.

Day 224, Back from Travel/Sickness - Analysis

Day 224 Record Keeping
Day 192 Fixed Meditation
Day 138 Bodyweight Exercise  (1x7 diamond pushups)
Day 65 Writing = 53
Day 238 Eating = 62
Great sleep, great wakeup.

Travel Analysis
Actually did far far worse at keeping up with habits this trip than the last trip through Brazil.

The main reason is the my failure at the real lynchpin of it all - recording. The first few days I had easy access to internet and just assumed that I would in all other places. This prevented me from getting into a low tech version - recording it all on a notebook - something I did in the Brazil trip.

Instead I just didn’t even think to reach for the notebook - I didn’t have the notebook protocol as an implementation intention - so there was no implementation.

Secondly, I failed at over simplifying certain things. Meditation could have been simplified and compressed so that I did it in the shower. Writing could have been a note scribbled in an notebook, etc. I did do very well with exercising but only because my back was wonky, and I needed to do back stretches to survive the day.

On the positives it really did take a lot of effort to NOT do things. Eating badly was particularly hard to do, especially since it had me feeling horrible afterwards. IT made me really eager to get back to eating well. It does make me feel that scheduled cheats like this might be a very good thing.

For superhabits I had to ask myself - did circumstances overbalance the habit, or was it a simple non-flexing of will? Considering how many early days and exhausting mornings I had, I have  to say that circumstances were hard to do these habits.

This is good because it hones my travel protocol - OVER SIMPLIFY and most importantly - go low tech with recording.

These leaves me with several questions - are my “superhabits” superhabits anymore? I’d be curious to find out after a week of getting back to my routine. 

Other than that, though I had a great time on my trip  it’s great to be back!