Day 1045 & 200 Days of Sleep Recording!!!

Day 1045 Record Keeping
Day 1017 Fixed Meditation (18 min)
Day 891 Writing (3/20 min)
Day 431 Rowing (125 15 lb kb swings, 5x25, Russian style)
Day 172 Mobility/Stretching (couch stretch)
Day 269 Pantry Check (DiD NOT DO)
Day 267 Food Recording

Early to Rise
Day 200 Water
Day 200 Sleep Recording  (11:50|1|8|8:40)
Day 171 Bedtime Curfew
Day 9 Wakeup Alarm 65

Great sleep, good wakeup. Fixed meditation definitely needs to be extended - I feel like I’m just getting started when the alarm goes off for 10 minutes. That’s a good thing, especially in light of my extra time from waking up earlier. Writing went incredibly well today - managed to actually enact many of the strategies I wrote about in 12 Methods to Combat Procrastination in Habits. I did this despite wanting to procrastinate and immense amount. 

I’m also at 200 days of recording my sleep patterns! It’s funny that 200 days doesn’t seem like anything now, hahahah.

Day 1043

Day 1043 Record Keeping
Day 1015 Fixed Meditation (10 min)
Day 889 Writing (5/20 min)
Day 429 Rowing (125 15 lb kb swings, 5x25, Russian style)
Day 170 Mobility/Stretching (back & hip smash, couch stretch)
Day 267 Pantry Check (DiD NOT DO)
Day 265 Food Recording

Early to Rise
Day 198 Water (DID NOT DO)
Day 198 Sleep Recording  (11|11:40|7:40|8:20)
Day 169 Bedtime Curfew
Day 7 Wakeup Alarm 60

Great sleep, good wakeup. Horrible procrastination and avoidance for writing today. I paid a lot of attention to what exactly I was feeling, and was able to surmount it. I think I have a good article on procrastination based on some of my observations. More to come. In other news it’s day 7 of my Wakeup Alarm habit. I’m consistently waking up about 20 minutes before my alarm goes off. This is a huge breakthrough for me in waking up. I want to write a guide on this habit alone. I still have some tweaks - we’ll see how jet lag affects it, and if I can easily alter it so I’m waking up early, not just what most people consider a normal time! And I still have to decide wether or not I’m keeping my water habit, which has been hit or miss lately, though mostly because I’ve switched locations several times.