Day 1355

Day 1355 Record Keeping
Day 1327 Fixed Meditation (visualizations)
Day 1202 Writing (DID NOT DO)
Day 741 Rowing
(1 hour, walking)
Day 482 Mobility/Stretching (10 min, back smash & hip stretch
Day 132 Social Media (reading for future posts)

Day 72 Meal Prep (DID NOT DO)

XXEarly to Rise
XXDay 510 Sleep Recording  (DID NOT DO)
XXDay 481 Bedtime Curfew (DID NOT DO
XXDay 319 Wakeup Alarm (DID NOT DO)

Ok sleep. Incredibly depleted. Still trying to get back on schedule. Nixing my entire Early to Rise project. I haven't done any of the elements in a while due to the massive amounts of interruptions in the last several months.

Day 1081

Day 1081 Record Keeping
Day 1053 Fixed Meditation (10 min)
Day 927 Writing (3/13 min, revision)
Day 467 Rowing (LISS, 30 min, 4800 m)
Day 208 Mobility/Stretching (10 min, hip stretch, back smash)
Day 305 Pantry Check (DID NOT DO)
Day 303 Food Recording (DID NOT DO)

Early to Rise
Day 236 Water (DID NOT DO)
Day 236 Sleep Recording  (3:50|5|12|12:30)
Day 207 Bedtime Curfew (DID NOT DO - VISITORS)
Day 45 Wakeup Alarm 81 SUPERHABIT

Great sleep, ok wakeup. Declaring my wakeup alarm habit a superhabit, so no more recording. The visitors here caused me to stay up really late last night, but I’m pretty happy with that deviation. 

Day 1080

Day 1080 Record Keeping
Day 1052 Fixed Meditation (10 min)
Day 926 Writing (2/13 min, revision)
Day 466 Rowing (HIIT, 15s:60s, 14 min, 2600 m)
Day 207 Mobility/Stretching (10 min, back & hip smash)
Day 304 Pantry Check (DID NOT DO)
Day 302 Food Recording (DID NOT DO)

Early to Rise
Day 235 Water
Day 235 Sleep Recording  (2|2:50|11:30|12)
Day 206 Bedtime Curfew (DID NOT DO - VISITORS)
Day 44 Wakeup Alarm 81

Great sleep, ok wakeup. Visitors in town. I THINK I nailed down my biphasic sleep due to jet lag - I took a sleeping thingy to try to adjust. We’ll see how it works out tomorrow. Surprisingly excellent work today. 

Day 1079

Day 1079 Record Keeping
Day 1051 Fixed Meditation (10 min)
Day 925 Writing (2/13 min, revision)
Day 465 Rowing (LISS, 30 min, 4200 m)
Day 206 Mobility/Stretching (10 min, back & hip smash)
Day 303 Pantry Check (DID NOT DO)
Day 301 Food Recording (DID NOT DO)

Early to Rise
Day 234 Water
Day 234 Sleep Recording  (12:30|12:50|1:30|2:10)
Day 205 Bedtime Curfew
Day 43 Wakeup Alarm 81

Ok sleep, ok wakeup. Still waking up at 3 am and not able to get back to sleep till early. ARGHHHH!!! Friends coming to stay with us for a while. Challenging myself to stay the course. Must formalize eating challenge.

Day 1078 & Resetting Sleep After Jet Lag

Day 1078 Record Keeping
Day 1050 Fixed Meditation (10 min)
Day 924 Writing (2/13 min, draft)
Day 464 Rowing (HIIT, 15s:60s, 14 min, 2500 m)
Day 205 Mobility/Stretching (10 min, hip stretch, back smash)
Day 302 Pantry Check (DID NOT DO)
Day 300 Food Recording (DID NOT DO)
Day 30 Sunday Meal Prep 71 (retroactive from Sunday)

Early to Rise
Day 233 Water
Day 233 Sleep Recording  (12:30|12:50|2|3)
Day 204 Bedtime Curfew
Day 42 Wakeup Alarm 80

Ok sleep, great wakeup. Woke up again at 3 am. I really need to learn how I can

Reset Sleep After Jet Lag
I think the biggest problem with resetting sleep has to do with my relationship with writing. Writing is my biggest challenge. When I started out seriously writing, I got more sleep because if I was tired at all there was no way I could choose the words I needed carefully and really think. It wasn’t like a regular job where people regularly show up with half a mind. As a writer I have to be totally alert and rested, and I can barely make it through when I’m at 100%.

I’m beginning to see that as the old way of doing writing. Rather than thinking of writing as a super cerebral perfect choosing of poetic words emphasizing specific turns of speech from the get-go, my new model of writing has to do with several passes done at a rather low thinking level in order to avoid perfectionism and resulting writer’s block.

Thinking less is actually pretty helpful for busting out a rough draft. Thinking less is really helpful for removing The Editor mentality when scamping for sentence level rewriters. James Patterson’s idea of progressing quickly through many rewrites to prevent getting stuck at any one point backs this point up. It switches the whole endeavor to a more mechanistic, workflow driven emphasis that has less to do with one specific success or mistake. I like it.

It also means that I should at least be able to force myself to get up earlier, for at least a reset. Unfortunately I’ve been doing my sleeping one way for quite a long time, so in the moment I naturally default to habitual behavior. Time to change!

Day 1074

Day 1074 Record Keeping
Day 1046 Fixed Meditation (DID NOT DO)
Day 920 Writing (12/13 min, revision, great work, deadline)
Day 460 Rowing (DID NOT DO)
Day 201 Mobility/Stretching (DID NOT DO)
Day 298 Pantry Check (DID NOT DO)
Day 296 Food Recording (DID NOT DO)

Early to Rise
Day 229 Water (DID NOT DO)
Day 229 Sleep Recording  (11:30|2|3)
Day 200 Bedtime Curfew
Day 38 Wakeup Alarm 81

Horrible sleep, horrible wakeup. Fantastically horrible sleep - I appear to have gone biphasic. Was on a deadline, had horrible failure to start issues, was depressed, but I managed to have some great writing work.

Day 1073

Day 1073 Record Keeping
Day 1045 Fixed Meditation (10 min)
Day 919 Writing (4/15 min, revision, great work)
Day 459 Rowing (HIIT, 15s:60s, 14 min, 2400 m)
Day 200 Mobility/Stretching (10 min, hip stretch and back smash)
Day 297 Pantry Check (DID NOT DO)
Day 295 Food Recording (DID NOT DO)

Early to Rise
Day 228 Water (DID NOT DO)
Day 228 Sleep Recording  (11:30|8:30|9:40)
Day 199 Bedtime Curfew
Day 37 Wakeup Alarm 80

Horrible sleep, ok wakeup. But I think I reset my sleep cycle, provided I don’t take a nap today. 200 days of mobility. My wakeup alarm habit is almost a superhabit. I have to decide wether or not I’m keeping my pantry check and water habit, and when I’m going to start up my food recording after a long hiatus.

Day 1072

Day 1072 Record Keeping
Day 1044 Fixed Meditation (DID NOT DO)
Day 918 Writing (2/15 min, revision, great work)
Day 458 Rowing (DID NOT DO)
Day 199 Mobility/Stretching (DID NOT DO)
Day 296 Pantry Check (DID NOT DO)
Day 294 Food Recording (DID NOT DO)

Early to Rise
Day 227 Water (DID NOT DO)
Day 227 Sleep Recording  (3:10|4:40|11:30|2)
Day 198 Bedtime Curfew (DID NOT DO)
Day 36 Wakeup Alarm 80

Great sleep, very slow wakeup. Incredibly drained. Understandable - sleep cycle is off, first real HIIT since being back. Despite it my hardest habit, writing, and at that my revision, which I tend to have the most failures to start and procrastination arise, was great. I put it off all day, but finally ended up doing it at the most minimum amounts - yet, I did great work. It’s hilarious how bad I feel saying I did two sets of 15 minutes, but I really feel great about the amount of work I did. I think it will naturally improve, but in order for it to I have to actually start. The lowered minimums do this. I had intended to other routines today but I’m pretty tired. Hopefully I can reset my sleep patterns for tomorrow.

Day 1070

Day 1070 Record Keeping
Day 1042 Fixed Meditation (15 min)
Day 916 Writing (a LOT of catch up)
Day 456 Rowing (20 min/3300 m)
Day 197 Mobility/Stretching (10 min, hip stretch and smash)
Day 294 Pantry Check (DiD NOT DO)
Day 292 Food Recording (DID NOT DO)

Early to Rise
Day 225 Water (DID NOT DO)
Day 225 Sleep Recording  (11:30|12|6:30|8:50)
Day 196 Bedtime Curfew
Day 34 Wakeup Alarm 78

Bad sleep, ok wakeup.

Day 1060

Day 1060 Record Keeping
Day 1032 Fixed Meditation (10 min)
Day 906 Writing (6/20 min)
Day 446 Rowing (DID NOT DO)
Day 187 Mobility/Stretching (DID NOT DO)
Day 284 Pantry Check (DiD NOT DO)
Day 282 Food Recording (DID NOT DO)

Early to Rise
Day 215 Water (DID NOT DO)
Day 215 Sleep Recording  (11:50|12:30|8:30|9)
Day 186 Bedtime Curfew
Day 24 Wakeup Alarm 74

Good sleep, good wakeup. Still in travel mode. Excellent work, I think I’ve made a lot of progress in writing. Some things here while in another location aren’t quite do-able because I’m on someone else’s time table, but what I can do I’m getting done. Time zone switch has not adversely affected my waking up. I leave for Spain tomorrow, which is a really difficult time zone switch.

Day 1057

Day 1057 Record Keeping
Day 1029 Fixed Meditation (10 min)
Day 903 Writing (2/30)
Day 443 Rowing (25 kb swings, 1x25, russian style, 25 lb)
Day 184 Mobility/Stretching (back smash & hip stretch)
Day 281 Pantry Check (DiD NOT DO)
Day 279 Food Recording (DID NOT DO)

Early to Rise
Day 212 Water
Day 212 Sleep Recording  (10:50|12:30|7:40|9:30)
Day 183 Bedtime Curfew
Day 21 Wakeup Alarm 73

HORRENDOUS sleep, slow wakeup. Lowered volume in kettlebell workout, low energy overall. Flight and drive tomorrow to Greenville, SC. I do like these later flights combined with waking up at a decent hour, as it helps me get my routine over with.

Day 1056

Day 1056 Record Keeping
Day 1028 Fixed Meditation (15 min)
Day 902 Writing (1.5/30)
Day 442 Rowing (75 kb swings, 3x25, russian style, 25 lb)
Day 183 Mobility/Stretching (back smash & hip stretch)
Day 280 Pantry Check (DiD NOT DO)
Day 278 Food Recording (DID NOT DO)

Early to Rise
Day 211 Water
Day 211 Sleep Recording  (11:30|12:40|8:40|9:40)
Day 182 Bedtime Curfew
Day 20 Wakeup Alarm 74

Good sleep, ok wakeup. Really tough doing kettlebell swings today. Writing was curtailed due to errands and a time constraint today. Really busy weekend. Hosted a party, and despite it all, kept up with my bedtime curfew, sleep recording, and waking up automatically, even if I didn’t have time to actually do my formal recording here. That’s progress!

I’m also beginning to see that despite having busy days, I’m able to do a majority of my habits - that’s not just because of waking up early, which of course helps by freeing up time, but also because I seem to see them as a solid foundation to my day. Just like this NaNoWriMo where I kept up with the majority of my habits. That’s awesome progress as well.

Day 1053

Day 1053 Record Keeping
Day 1025 Fixed Meditation (on the go)
Day 899 Writing (DID NOT DO)
Day 439 Rowing (DID NOT DO)
Day 180 Mobility/Stretching (back smash & hip stretch)
Day 277 Pantry Check (DiD NOT DO)
Day 275 Food Recording (DID NOT DO)

Early to Rise
Day 208 Water
Day 208 Sleep Recording  (11:40|12:20|7:50|8:20)
Day 179 Bedtime Curfew
Day 17 Wakeup Alarm 69

Bad sleep, ok wakeup. TONS of errands that lasted the entirety of the day. Talking to Lydia on quality of sleep had her bringing up a Mark’s Daily Apple post where he talks about drinking bone broth/stock right before bed. Mark apparently experienced some great sleep, and linked to a study on glycine and quality of sleep. Tonight I just happened to have some broth I got from the local Vietnamese restaurant, so I did my mobilization before bed and drank a small cup of the broth. We’ll see how it goes tonight!

Day 1052

Day 1052 Record Keeping
Day 1024 Fixed Meditation (15 min)
Day 898 Writing (DID NOT DO)
Day 438 Rowing (100 25 lb kb swings, 4x25, Russian style & bike ride)
Day 179 Mobility/Stretching (back & hip smash)
Day 276 Pantry Check (DiD NOT DO)
Day 274 Food Recording (DID NOT DO)

Early to Rise
Day 207 Water
Day 207 Sleep Recording  (11:45|12:20|8:30|9)
Day 178 Bedtime Curfew
Day 16 Wakeup Alarm 68

Great sleep, bad wakeup. Did a back smash before bed last night, based on the idea that mobilization activates the parasympathetic nervous system and is great for relaxing you. It did relax me, my quality of sleep was great, but my wakeup was pretty bad in that I felt pretty groggy and as though I could have slept more. Now that waking up seems to be pretty consistent, I really want to look into what increases my quality of sleep. I feel this involves a solid before sleep routine. I don’t know if that should include mobilization - I think that the parasympathetic nervous system is invoked constantly by new age practices that may not necessarily be true - but I’m willing to experiment.

Day 1051

Day 1051 Record Keeping
Day 1023 Fixed Meditation (15 min)
Day 897 Writing (2/30)
Day 437 Rowing (100 25 lb kb swings, 4x25, Russian style)
Day 178 Mobility/Stretching (back & hip smash, hip stretch)
Day 275 Pantry Check (DiD NOT DO)
Day 273 Food Recording (DID NOT DO)

Early to Rise
Day 206 Water
Day 206 Sleep Recording  (10:20|12:20|8|8:30)
Day 177 Bedtime Curfew
Day 15 Wakeup Alarm 72

Bad sleep, good wakeup. Hard workout - moving from 15 lb Russian to 25 lb Russian was tough. Incredibly distracted today - had a bunch of errands to run. As a result my writing was filled with procrastination. Did what I’m calling my Procrastination Protocol - which I’m adding to day by day - and it worked yet again. Will continue to tweak it a little more here and there before describing it on this blog. My Wakeup Alarm habit is pretty solid - need to begin thinking of my next behavior. First day in another town after travel, and I still woke up automatically.

Day 1050

Day 1050 Record Keeping
Day 1022 Fixed Meditation (5 min)
Day 896 Writing (DID NOT DO)
Day 436 Rowing (bike ride)
Day 177 Mobility/Stretching (couch stretch)
Day 274 Pantry Check (DiD NOT DO)
Day 272 Food Recording

Early to Rise
Day 205 Water (DID NOT DO)
Day 205 Sleep Recording  (11:40|12:45|7:40|8:20)
Day 176 Bedtime Curfew
Day 14 Wakeup Alarm 68

Bad sleep, good wakeup. Traveled to Houston today. Did my meditation, albeit shortened, on the plane. Went on a lovely bike ride, stretched.  I’m very curious to see just how ingrained this wakeup alarm thing is when switching time zones and locations. As usual I felt so invigorated and relaxed after my bike ride. It really got me thinking about the value of self care, doing activities that fill me with energy, and of the importance of expanding base resources - All variables I have not taken seriously in this project.

Day 1049

Day 1049 Record Keeping
Day 1021 Fixed Meditation (15 min - EXCELLENT)
Day 895 Writing (DID NOT DO)
Day 435 Rowing (125 15 lb kb swings, 5x25, Russian style)
Day 176 Mobility/Stretching (back & hip smash, hip stretch)
Day 273 Pantry Check (DiD NOT DO)
Day 271 Food Recording

Early to Rise
Day 204 Water (DID NOT DO)
Day 204 Sleep Recording  (9:45|10:45|7:15|8:40)
Day 175 Bedtime Curfew
Day 13 Wakeup Alarm 66

Good sleep, good wakeup. Really depressed this morning. I think I’m going through what I’ve called a Vortex Force or Repletion problems. That’s when things are going really well, and depression hits because I feel I’m not doing enough.

Today I looked at a bunch of people on social media, like I usually do while waking up, and saw people doing amazing things. And it made me realize just how heavy that mountain is - how much I have to do, especially with writing. And even though I’m nailing my sleeping, waking up early naturally for 13 days which has never happened and is worthy of a book in and of itself, I wasn’t happy. I nailed my workout, my mobility, my meditation is excellent, and none of that is enough - all I could think of is how I’m not doing enough.

I know I need to hold off on doing more, especially since I’ll be traveling tomorrow and then again in a week. But maybe there are other ways to combat this - like looking at cute cat pics or doing affirmations or whatever in the morning.

Day 1046

Day 1046 Record Keeping
Day 1018 Fixed Meditation (15 min)
Day 892 Writing (DID NOT DO)
Day 432 Rowing (125 15 lb kb swings, 5x25, Russian style)
Day 173 Mobility/Stretching (back smash, hip stretch)
Day 270 Pantry Check (DiD NOT DO)
Day 268 Food Recording

Early to Rise
Day 201 Water (DID NOT DO)
Day 201 Sleep Recording  (11:50|12:40|8:10|9:10)
Day 172 Bedtime Curfew
Day 10 Wakeup Alarm 62

Great sleep, good wakeup. Really drained today. Stretching, kettlebells, and meditation all were very painful/intense. Did not do my writing today. This is why I normally do writing first, cause it usually takes more out of me unless I’m doing a draft.

Day 1045 & 200 Days of Sleep Recording!!!

Day 1045 Record Keeping
Day 1017 Fixed Meditation (18 min)
Day 891 Writing (3/20 min)
Day 431 Rowing (125 15 lb kb swings, 5x25, Russian style)
Day 172 Mobility/Stretching (couch stretch)
Day 269 Pantry Check (DiD NOT DO)
Day 267 Food Recording

Early to Rise
Day 200 Water
Day 200 Sleep Recording  (11:50|1|8|8:40)
Day 171 Bedtime Curfew
Day 9 Wakeup Alarm 65

Great sleep, good wakeup. Fixed meditation definitely needs to be extended - I feel like I’m just getting started when the alarm goes off for 10 minutes. That’s a good thing, especially in light of my extra time from waking up earlier. Writing went incredibly well today - managed to actually enact many of the strategies I wrote about in 12 Methods to Combat Procrastination in Habits. I did this despite wanting to procrastinate and immense amount. 

I’m also at 200 days of recording my sleep patterns! It’s funny that 200 days doesn’t seem like anything now, hahahah.