Day 86 & Walking and Tiny Habits
Day 86 Record Keeping SRHI = 68
Day 54 Fixed Meditation SRHI = 72
Day 15 Walking SRHI = 16
Day 101 Eating SRHI = 58
Bad night sleep, good wakeup
BJ Fogg is often quoted when it comes to habit formation and flossing. If you lower the basic dose to something incredibly easy, you’re more likely to succeed at creating a habit. So, instead of saying to yourself “I’m going to floss every morning” tell yourself that you’re going to floss one tooth every day.
My walking habit has hit a wall - My initial protocol was that I’m was going to walk every day for an hour and I’ll do a kettlebell workout if it’s not raining. But after reading more of Fogg’s stuff, I’ve realized I’ve left out a lot.
For one, an hour is a big change. I should say I’m going to walk out to the beach (which takes me 2 minutes) and back every morning. Or, I’m going to get out and walk around the block.
Second, I don’t have it set up as an implementation intention. That is to say - I don’t have an if-then set up for the time I should do it. I should have it chained to a series of daily events. Like “After I post my habit blog, I’ll go walk around the block.”
Lastly, I don’t incorporate a reward - even if it’s just a mental “atta boy!”
I’m still looking at Fogg’s stuff, and here’s some links I’m looking through.
Success magazine did what I think is a good summary of his work.