Day 168 & Adapting to Spain

Day 168 Record Keeping SRHI = 84
Day 136 Fixed Meditation SRHI = 81
Day 82 Bodyweight Exercise SRHI= 80 (8 close elbow burpees)
Day 9 Writing = 12 
Day 182 Eating SRHI = 61
Great sleep, great wakeup. 

Adapting to Spain

It’s almost 4 am, so I’m definitely still off from the layover. The flow of my core superhabits (record keeping, fixed meditation, and body weight exercises) are smooth despite the change in location. 

The apartment is really tiny, so I had to do my burpees in a narrow space. This turns out to be great because it has me practicing with elbows very close to the body, which is great for form (and the triceps).

I’m thinking about transitioning to a 3 day split. Burpees are essentially HIITs, and many sources seem to suggest  doing them twice a week (on days you don’t do anything else). It would be great if I started the week doing them, did my bridges and planks the next day, and started in on the pushup progression on day 3, since by that time I would have enough rest time. On another note, I’d really like to start a pullup progression, so I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled for an adjustable pullup bar while wandering around town.

After exploring the city last night I found that there are incredible options for eating well. The tapas restaurant I went to last night had incredible food that was pretty much right in line with what I eat. I had braised beef cheek, meatballs, fried sweet breads, and slow cooked ribs. A little on the fried side, but generally ok. I was worried that bread would be a problem, but the waitress immediately asked whether or not I wanted it, to which I declined. 

There’s a great selection of cured meats, and a store selling veggies nearby, so I think I’m all set to get back on course. Quality is great here, but it’s the range of options that seems to be the key element to offset boredom - and an inevitable cheat.

Writing is still barely crawling, but that’s to be expected. Will see how the week progresses.

Day 167 - Move to Spain

I’m making this notation retroactively.

Had a 15 hour transfer time - 1.5 hours from Florianopolis to Sao Paulo. Then a 3 hour layover, then a 10 hour flight to Barcelona. I slept about 2 or 3 hours.

I didn’t have time to record, much less do any of my habits. But it was interesting because the act of not really sleeping really made me feel like it was one extremely long day. It didn’t even trigger the urge to do my meditation habit. And in fact, I don’t really have that sense of something missing when I normally miss a habit.

I spent the day walking, exploring, and taking care of necessities - getting my new apartment set up. It will be interesting to see whether or not any of my habits have been effected from this gap.

Day 166 & Moving to Spain

Day 166 Record Keeping SRHI = 84
Day 134 Fixed Meditation SRHI = 81
Day 80 Bodyweight Exercise SRHI= 82 (2 burpees)
Day 7 Writing = 12 
Day 180 Eating SRHI = 56
Good sleep, ok wakeup. Eating habit is all over the place

Moving to Spain

I’m  moving to Barcelona today. I’m excited and all that, but it’s transitional moments like this that really test this project - and the moments where I want to pay close attention to it. My eating habit is all over the place because I’ve pretty much given up. In part it’s because I wanted to use everything in my fridge without buying more stuff. In a large part it’s because I’m saying goodbye to people and don’t really care. Though one thing I have to remind myself is that the habit isn’t done as long as you keep recording it - and I still am.

I’m excited about Barcelona because of the many English speaking communities present. Up until now I’ve been working on projects alone, and I’ve been working on habits DESPITE socializing (though there really wasn’t much socializing going on here). But through I’ve found at least the potential for other people to help me out.

One group in particular sounds interesting - it’s a club devoted to Primal eating. They do activities and hang out at places that only have healthy eats. This is a huge thing because most often than not I have to exercise more willpower in order to not cheat among friends who want to go to a bar or get a burger or what have you.

I’m proud to report that this morning and yesterday, despite cleaning, packing, and having a work deadline, I managed to do my core habits without a hitch. They really do seem like “superhabits” now.

I’ve got some more packing before heading off. It’s about 15 hours of travel, so it’ll be interesting if I’ll be up and running with my habits as soon as I land. I’ll see you in Europe!