Day 154 & More Energy in Workouts

Day 154 Record Keeping SRHI = 83
Day 122 Fixed Meditation SRHI = 82
Day 68 Bodyweight Exercise SRHI= 73 (3 bridges, 1 minute decline plank)  
Day 168 Eating SRHI = 60
Bad sleep, great wakeup. Good mood yesterday. Side bridges torqued my back, so did decline plank instead.

More Energy in Workouts

Over the last few days I’ve noticed a huge amount of energy in my workouts. I want to do more. And that’s great. 

But at the same time I don’t want to prematurely burn myself out. It’s only been 2 months, so I’m trying to slow it down. 

What I really want to do is get really into the bodyweight training progressions that I can do - pushups, core, shoulder bridge work, and squats. But I’m holding a little longer on adding more just to draw it out.

I’ve already naturally added more pushups later in the day yesterday. So I might just add a pushup regiment to my burpee workout.