Day 1318

Day 1318 Record Keeping
Day 1290 Fixed Meditation (20 min)
Day 1165 Writing (4 Pomodoros - extended session)
Day 704 Rowing
(30 min, walking)
Day 445 Mobility/Stretching (10 min, hip stretch & back smash
Day 95 Social Media (20 min, SRHI = 72)

Early to Rise
Day 473 Sleep Recording  (10|11|7|8:30)
Day 444 Bedtime Curfew
Day 282 Wakeup Alarm (DID NOT DO)

Ok sleep.  Resurgence of my cold yesterday had me not doing much.

Day 1190 - Back From Being Sick

Day 1190 Record Keeping
Day 1162 Fixed Meditation (10 min)
Day 1037 Writing (2 rounds/30 min)
Day 576 Rowing
(rowing 15 min,  2000 m)
Day 317 Mobility/Stretching (10 min, back smash

Early to Rise
Day 345 Sleep Recording  (12:15|1:15|8:40|11:30)
Day 316 Bedtime Curfew
Day 154 Wakeup Alarm

Ok sleep. Back from being really sick. That really took it out of me. Missed 12 days, and am easing into it today and a bit yesterday with lowered minimums. Working on a big sleep experiment and sleep scale. Will have to restart my Mobility Overhaul. But despite my sickness I still did my Meal Prep Sunday!!

Day 994

Day 994 Record Keeping
Day 966 Fixed Meditation (20 min)
Day 840 Writing (2/30 min)
Day 380 Rowing (DID NOT DO - time issue)
Day 121 Mobility/Stretching (DID NOT DO)
Day 218 Pantry Check
Day 216 Food Recording (DID NOT DO)

Early to Rise
Day 149 Water
Day 149 Sleep Recording (DID NOT DO)
Day 120 Bedtime Curfew 63

Horrendous sleep. My sickness and migraines seemed to have returned today - felt pretty horrible. Started to do all my habits but Lydia had a work Skype call, so I bowed out of doing my rowing cause it’s loud. Mixed up my routine and did my meditation habit, but then got super tired and took a nap. Had to meet people later so rowing got thrown out, as well as mobilization, sleep recording, bedtime curfew, and food recording. 

Day 987

Day 987 Record Keeping
Day 959 Fixed Meditation (20 min)
Day 833 Writing (DID NOT DO)
Day 373 Rowing (DID NOT DO)
Day 114 Mobility/Stretching (neck smash and floss)
Day 211 Pantry Check (DID NOT DO)
Day 209 Food Recording 

Early to Rise
Day 142 Water (DID NOT DO)
Day 142 Sleep Recording (11:30|7:30|8)
Day 113 Bedtime Curfew 78

Good sleep. Still sick. Constant coughing is giving me a constant tension headache going up through my neck. 

Had to get up early and deal with administrative residency renewal issues, which is always a giant headache. So this was my morning. It tends to get me very nervous, because A) it’s administrative work for my future here in Spain and B) dealing with technical issues like this is nerve wracking for my level of Spanish 

I took it as a perfect opportunity to practice modulating my emotions through meditation, hence my quality practice. I also spent a lot of time figuring out the absentee ballot form for the U.S. election, and I’ll be attending an election watching party tonight that goes ‘till 3 am. Interruptions everywhere! 

But such is life - the key is recording it all and picking up afterwards. 

But in this case (and through some of my recent travels) I’m starting to take up a distinctly Stoic behavior with such interruptions. My meditation today was more difficult and therefore of better quality, as was my stretching, because I had to look up how to do the specific series of neck tension releasers. “The Obstacle is the Way,” to quote the fitting title of of Ryan Holiday’s book on stoicism.

Day 828, Back after Sickness

Day 828 Record Keeping
Day 800 Fixed Meditation (32 min)
Day 674 Writing (2 rounds intense, 30 min each and a little more)
Day 214 Rowing (30 min/ 4900 m)
Day 52 Pantry Check (73)
Day 50 Recording

Good sleep, good wakeup.
Got a nasty stomach bug on Sunday, very little sleep, really weak. Finally recovered today and really knocked it out of the park. Very proud.