Day 483

Day 483 Record Keeping
Day 452 Fixed Meditation
Day 398 Bodyweight Exercise (2 typewriter pushups)
Day 325 Writing (started writing middle, not very much)
Day 498 Eating (58)
Day 133 Dynamic Meditation (20 min)
Day 80 Marketing = 54 (actionable task)

Great sleep, great wakeup. 16 days missing because of a lot of traveling. 2 back to back work trips, and moved in the middle, so my endurance is shot, willpower is shot, emotionally all over the place and my SRHI is really low for a lot of habits.

Dynamic Meditation Notes (20 minutes):

Writing (writing middle):
-Did a tiny bit of writing for the middle. Not much, but I’m glad I at least attempted it this first time.

Day 467

Day 467 Record Keeping
Day 436 Fixed Meditation
Day 382 Bodyweight Exercise (2 typewriter pushups)
Day 309 Writing (transitions, 4 articles, 29 minutes!)
Day 482 Eating (75)
Day 117 Dynamic Meditation (20 min)
Day 64 Marketing = 69 (actionable task)

Great sleep, bad wakeup. My eating has rapidly risen, and it’s automaticity was really apparent this weekend.

Dynamic Meditation Notes (20 minutes):
-x2 fidgeting

Writing (transitions, 4 articles, 29 minutes):
-it might be better to have more detailed and specific transition names in order to delineate different types. I believe that technical terminology can be a good thing for endeavors that are hard to pin down.

Day 463

Day 463 Record Keeping
Day 432 Fixed Meditation
Day 378 Bodyweight Exercise (3 bridges)
Day 305 Writing (transitions, 2 articles, 20 minutes!)
Day 478 Eating (73)
Day 113 Dynamic Meditation = 79 (20 min)
Day 60 Marketing = 69 (actionable task)

Great sleep, good wakeup. SICK, but much better.

Dynamic Meditation Notes (20 minutes):
-minor arising of nervousness in the face of a Facebook debate
-I think it might be good way to test this in the future
-x4 minor fidgeting

Writing (transitions, 2 articles, 20 minutes):
-I did two sets of transitions with 2 articles - gives me a few options later when writing.

Day 461

Day 461 Record Keeping
Day 430 Fixed Meditation
Day 376 Bodyweight Exercise (3 bridges)
Day 303 Writing (research, 2 articles, 30 minutes)
Day 476 Eating (73)
Day 111 Dynamic Meditation = 80 (1 hour 20 min)
Day 58 Marketing = 75 (actionable task)

Great sleep, FANTASTIC wakeup for some reason…I wish I could bottle that. SICK. Felt drained after completing my tasks in reverse order (had to pick someone up at the airport early in the morning, messed with my schedule). Hence my research for writing was like pulling teeth

Dynamic Meditation Notes (1 hour 20 minutes):
few bouts of fidgeting nothing much

Writing (2 articles in 20):

Day 442

Day 442 Record Keeping
Day 411 Fixed Meditation
Day 357 Bodyweight Exercise (25 lb kbell tabata)
Day 284 Writing (editing)
Day 457 Eating
Day 92 Dynamic Meditation = 80 (3 hour)
Day 39 Marketing = 68 (editing)

Great sleep, great wakeup. So yeah yesterday I skipped recording despite doing quite a bit of my habits - I was completely utterly depleted, and I think I know the reason, which I will blog about next.

Dynamic Med Notes (3 hour):
No real arisings - low level irritation but it as all quickly controlled. Could I actually be improving?

Day 439

Day 439 Record Keeping
Day 408 Fixed Meditation
Day 354 Bodyweight Exercise (25 lb kbell tabata)
Day 281 Writing (pitching)
Day 454 Eating
Day 89 Dynamic Meditation = 80 (2 hours, 40 min)
Day 36 Marketing = 65 (pitching)

Great sleep, great wakeup. Dynamic meditation feels much more ingrained - identity questions have shot up. Marketing is in flux now, but hey it’s ok it’s still being built up.

Dynamic Med Notes (2 hours, 40 minutes):
a few minor arisings
a few minor shoulder
much more subtle fluctuations than before
Notes: At the hour mark there’s an increase in fluctuation. I’m shooting for 2 hours, as I believe my dark night event allows me to go further with the very end a lot of nervousness, but it subsided almost immediately as soon as I recognized it

Day 411

Day 411 Record Keeping
Day 380 Fixed Meditation
Day 326 Bodyweight Exercise (3x10 kb swings)
Day 253 Writing (250 words)
Day 426 Eating
Day 61 Dynamic Meditation = 67 (1 hour)
Day 8 Marketing = 53 (action)

Horrible sleep, slow wakeup. Sick the last couple of days.

Dynamic Med Notes (1 hour):
x6  anger at hovering/intrusion and interruption of workflow when people think that writing is an interruptible task
x5 tension
x2 irritation
x9 shoulders
x2 arising of panic and fear while writing used tantra transf brief to get out of it
x1 the procrastinator comes up
Notes: the key is to relax into it - attempting that but having a really bad time